EDD Rule Updates

Coming next Wednesday, July 24th.

Bulk Actioning On My Alerts

You can bulk action alerts assigned to you on the 'My Alerts' tab of the alerts page to increase efficiency. This will be available in production on Wednesday, June 26th.

UI Update - External API Keys

We've provided a UI refresh to our 'External API Keys' management to provide UI consistency throughout the Unit21 dashboard. There is no change in functionality. This change is planned to be deployed to production environments on Monday, June 3rd.

Consortium Hits - 'Blocked At' & 'Org Type'

For Consortium members leveraging the 'Consortium Hits' tab on Alerts, Cases, and Entities, there are two additional table columns:

Customer Risk Ratings - Points Per Risk Input

The individual Risk Inputs in the Customer Risk Ratings models now display the number of points they add to an entities risk score.

Bulk Export Entities API - Created At Filter

There are now two additional filters for the Unit21 bulk export entities API:

Exports - Add File ID to Bulk Export Requests via API

There is now an ‘id’ returned in our bulk file export requests. Previously, we only returned a ‘message’ when querying our bulk export APIs; here is an example of bulk exporting entities: https://docs.unit21.ai/reference/export_entities.

Rule Validation Page - Performance Improvements

A critical part of deploying a rule is analyzing the validation results on historical data. To improve this process, the 'Rule Validation' page now loads ~3x faster.

Customer Risk Ratings - Add 3 Month & 3 Year EDD

There is a rule scenario called 'EDD - Periodic Review' that helps automate periodic reviews for Medium and High risk entities. There are now two additional options for how often to review Medium or High entities:

Customer Risk Ratings - Displaying Weight Calculations

Each risk category now shows the corresponding %. This equates to how many points that category is worth. This helps provide explainability and transparency to the model.