Customer Risk Ratings | Custom Data Support and New Parameter


This feature is behind a feature flag and turned on for our beta customers only

[Release 02.02.2024]

What did we release?

This release introduces two changes to our Customer Risk Ratings (CRR) feature.

  • Custom Data Risk Categories: we have expanded our capabilities to include support for custom data risk categories. Users can define and name their risk categories according to their specific needs, covering a broad spectrum including industry, occupation, Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) responses, and any other custom data submitted to Unit21.
  • New Parameter for Age-Based Risk Assessment: this new parameter enables users to define risk levels based on the age of the entity. This addition is relevant, for example, to address concerns related to elder abuse as it considers the entity's date of birth in the assessment process.

What is the purpose of this release?

The purpose of this release is,

  • Custom Data Risk Categories: to provide users with the flexibility to tailor their risk assessment processes closer to their operational processes. This enables a more targeted approach to risk management.
  • New Parameter for Age-Based Risk Assessment: to safeguard against specific types of fraud.

What does this release look like?