Copy Text In Labels

We updated the labels in Unit21 to allow users to select text without clicking on it. This will allow copying IDs to easily look up accounts in external tools.

Transaction Analysis on Alerts

[Release 02.26.2024]

Bug Fix | Entity Chip Routing

[Release 02.26.2024]

Bug Fix | Fixed Checkbox Required Styling

[Release 02.26.2024]

RTM | Rule Validation


This feature is behind a feature flag

CRR & EDD Update

[Release 02.26.2024]

UI Changes | Alert Amount Update


This feature is behind a feature flag

UI Changes | Case Count

[Release 02.26.2024]

Bug Fix | UI Bug in the goAML Page

[Release 02.26.2024]

Bug Fix | Disable CAR by Default

[Release 02.26.2024]