17. Filing a STR

Your generated STR can be exported and sent to a goAML portal of your choice.

Similar to a SAR, Unit21 supports the creation (but not the filing) of goAML STRs.

The goAML application is a fully integrated software solution developed specifically for use by Financial Intelligence Units (FIU's) and is one of UNODC's strategic responses to financial crime, including money-laundering and terrorist financing.

STRs are documents that reporting. institutions are required to submit when. having suspicion that a customer is involved. in money laundering (ML), terrorism. financing (TF) or other serious crimes.

File a STR

  1. Log into your Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Cases.
  3. Select a case, you can also re-open the case from Step 13 and 14:
  1. Select Create a goAML STR.
  2. A new page will open to select transactions to populate the STR, You can select some of the baker transactions from the search menu:
  1. When you have selected the transactions, click Create goAML Filing:
  1. At this point in time, fill out the sections with any dummy information:
  1. Click Save:
  1. Click Validate and fix errors as needed:
  1. You are done with the report once the validation is free of errors:
  1. Click Export:
  1. The export file is a .ZIP file. In the ZIP file is a XML file:
  1. The XML file contains all of the report information and can be imported into the goAML client portal of your choice:

Congratulations, you have completed the agent tutorial!