Activity Analysis


What is Activity Analysis?

Activity analysis focuses on transactions between related entities in a timeline format.

Agents can visualize how an entity interacts with other counter-parties and instruments, with dollar-amount and currency details displayed.

  1. Click on any given entity from the Dashboard Explorer:
  1. Navigate to their full details view:
  1. Click on the Activity Analysis tab.
  2. Hit the Run New Analysis button. Running a new analysis will provide you with a detailed timeline of relevant transactions for the entity:
  1. You can hover over any item in the timeline graph to view the transactional data:

In the graph, the colors are as follows:

  • Yellow - Inflowing $
  • Black - Self transacting $ (between the entities own accounts)
  • Red - Outflowing $
  1. In the lower section of the page, the same information is displayed in table format:

The Transaction tab is a timeline in list format of all the transactions made by the entity.
The Currency tab delineates all currencies in the entities transactions.
The Instruments tab highlights all instruments used in the entities transactions.
The Entities tab showcases all entities the current entity has transacted with.

You can view more information about the transaction, instrument, or entity by clicking the arrow icon on the right side.

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Filters enable you to add more information to the timeline view by choosing if you want to view Entities, Currency, and/or Instruments:


If you highlight over the left side bar, additional icons will appear (target + pin). This enables you to further filter the data in the timeline graph:

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