Add Charts
Each chart that you can add to your insights dashboard is described below:
Please ignore duplicate charts when adding charts to your dashboard.
AHT by Agent Phase
This is a column graph all of your agents and shows how long each agent takes to resolve an alert, case and SARs in minutes:
This examples graph shows agent Nick Miller's average case handle time is 76286 minutes and his average alert handling time is 24000 minutes.
AHT by Article Phase
Average handle time of Alerts by Agent over time
This example shows that the average handling time for cases is 10960 minutes.
Alert AHT by Agent Over Time
This is a line graph all of your agents and shows how long each agent takes to resolve an alert over time:
This example graph shows the agent James Gammon had an alert handle time of 20000 minutes on July 16h and it increased to 44000 minutes on September 27th.
Alerts Aging
This is a column graph of how many days each alert has been in your system since its creation:
This example graph shows that the majority of alerts are 110 days or newer except for an influx of cases that are currently 506 days old.
Alerts By Agent
This is a pie chart of the amount of alerts handled by agents:
This example graph shows that agent Peter Asher has 3540 alerts (in the red majority).
Alerts by Disposition Over Time
This is a timeline graph of how alerts change their disposition over time:
This example graph shows that the disposition "Test disposition" was reduced from 25 cases in February to just 1 in July onwards.
Alerts by Tag
This is a pie chart of the number of alerts with a specific tag key in your system:
This example graph shows that the tag key "sector" is currently used by 3528 cases in the system.
Alerts by Tag Name
This is a pie chart of the number of alerts with a specific tag value in your system:
This example graph shows that the tag value "europe" is currently used by 3528 cases in the system.
Alerts by Tag Type Over Time
This is a column chart of the number of alerts with a specific tag key in your system:
This example graph shows that over time, the tag key "europe" is used by 1 alert in May, 3 in June, and 3457 in September.
Alerts by Tag Name Over Time
This is a column chart of the number of alerts with a specific tag value in your system:
This example graph shows that over time, the tag key "sector" is used by 1 alert in May, 3 in June, and 3457 in September.
Alerts Over Time
This is a line graph of alerts over time:
This example graph shows 6 alerts were generated in January and almost 4000 were generated in September.
Alerts raised to case by Agent
This is a column graph of the alerts linked to a case, by agent, over time:
This example graph shows that agent James Ye turned an alert into a case on October 25th and agent Laura Kassovic did the same on October 16th.
Alerts Table
This is a table view of all alerts in your system:
All Transactions over time
This is a column graph of the number of transactions you send to Unit21 over time with their type:
This example chart shows 122 transactions of type "ach" were created November 22nd.
Case AHT by Agent Over Time
This is a timeline graph of the average handle time of cases by agents over time:
This example shows that agent Micheal Yue took 45.6 minutes to handle cases on Nov 20 and 48.48 minutes on Sept 11.
Cases Aging
This is a column graph that shows how old the cases in your system are:
This example shows that 3 cases are 14 days old. The majority are brand new (0 days old).
Cases By Agent
This is a pie graph of the total cases by agent:
This example shows that agent Cathy Gin has 49 cases currently.
Cases by Disposition Over Time
This timeline graph show the case by disposition over time:
This example timeline shows that on Monday May 17th, there is a case disposed as "TRUE POSITIVE".
Cases by Tag
This pie graph shows the number of cases by tag key:
This example pie graph example shows 74 cases use the tag key "source".
Cases by Tag Name
This pie graph shows the number of cases by tag value:
In this example, 17 cases use the tag value "external".
Cases by Tag Name Over Time
This column graph shows the number of cases by tag value over time:
In this example there is 1 case by tag value "true" in April, then 2 more in November and so on.
Cases by Tag Type Over Time
This column graph shows the number of cases by tag key over time:
In this example there is 1 case by tag key "type" in February, then 2 more in April and so on.
Cases Over Time
This is a line graph of the number of cases over time:
This example shows 4 cases in January and 2 more added in May and so on.
Cases Table
Table of cases in your system:
Entities Over Time
This is a line graph of Entities over time divided by business and users:
In this example, there are 39 users entities in the system in January and 18 more added in February.
Entities Table
This is a table of entities:
Flagged amounts by disposition
Column chart of transactions amount by alert disposition:
In this example $94K in transactions was flagged as "FALSE POSITIVE".
Flagged amounts by subdisposition
Column chart of transactions amounts by alert subdisposition:
In this example $50K in transactions was flagged as "CLOSED".
Flagged entities by alert disposition
Entities by alert disposition
This example shows that 5 flagged entities had the TEST disposition.
Flagged entities by subdisposition
Entities by alert subdispositions
This example shows that 2 flagged entities had the ABNORMAL ACTIVITY subdisposition.
Flagged instruments by alert disposition
Instruments by alert disposition
This example shows that 1 instrument was flagged in an alert disposed as "Test".
Flagged instruments by alert subdisposition
Instruments by alert subdisposition
This example shows that 1 instrument was flagged in an alert subdisposed as "Test".
Flagged Transactions over time
This column chart shows flagged transaction $ amount over time (separated by type):
In this example, we can see we have 40 transactions of "purchase" type in February and 100 more a year later.
Instruments Over Time
Line Graph of instruments over time
This example shows 18 instruments in June and 2 added in February.
Instruments Table
Table of instruments
Number of agents
The # Agents in your system:
This example shows 2 agents in the system.
Number of Rules
Total rules
This example shows there are 4 active rules in the system.
Number of transactions
This examples shows there are no transactions in the system currently.
Number of verification workflows
Total Workflows
This example shows there is one verification workflow created in the system currently.
Ratio of Alerts to Cases
Line graph of the ratio of Alerts to Cases
This example shows the current alerts to case ratio is 0.5.
Ratio of Alerts to SAR Filings
Line graph of the ratio of Alerts to SAR Filings
This example shows the current alert to SARs ration is 1.33.
Rule by Outcome
Alerts, cases, and SARS generated by each rule
This example graph shows that the rule called "Yi test" generated 5 alerts, 11 cases and 11 reports.
Rules Table
Table of rules
Rules Validated/Executed over Time
Rules validated and executed over time
This example shows that today, 1313 rules were executed and 8 were validated.
SAR AHT by Agent Over Time
Average handle time of SARs by Agent over time
This example shows that agent Becky Fuys took 4500 minutes to handle a SAR in December.
SAR Filings Aging
SAR Filings grouped by amount of days since creation
This example shows that 4 SARs are 0 days old. 5 SARs are 230 days old.
SAR filings Over Time
Line Graph of alerts over time
This example shows that 4 SARs were filed in December and 1 in early January.
SARs submitted
Total submissions
This example shows that 8 SARs were submitted.
SAR Submissions Over Time
Line Graph of SAR Submissions over time
This example shows that 1 SAR was submitted October 12 and 1 was filed December 20th.
Teams By Agents
Amount of agents per team
This example shows that the team W/O has 55 members.
Total Rules (card)
Number of Rules
This example shows that the system currently has 421 rules.
Transaction amounts over time
Transaction amounts by type (can be column or line)
In this example, 'ach' transactions flagged were at $49k in July and increased to $55.6k in August.
Verification Alerts Over Time
Line Graph of verification alerts over time
This example shows that on January 17th, 41 alerts from verifications were generated and that on February 1st, 2 alerts were generated.
Verification Results Over Time
Line Graph of verifications over time
This example shows that 13 verifications were done January 25th and 3 on February 1st.
Verification Sources
Chart of verification sources
This example shows that SOCURE was used 412 times.
Verification Types
Chart of verification types
This example shows that 403 verifications were ID verifications and 66 were business verifications.
Verification Workflow Results
Chart of results from verification workflow executions
This example shows that 91 workflows results in $ACCEPT as an outcome.
Verification Workflows by Outcome
Verification Workflows by outcome
This example shows that the workflow "Marc's Unit21 Logic Test" had the outcome $REJECT once.
Webhooks Requests
Chart of requests from webhooks
This example shows that the url received the webhook for ALERT CREATED 13k times.
Updated 9 months ago