Chainalysis Alerts

If your organization uses Chainalysis for blockchain monitoring, you can add their alerts to the Unit21 system, and even incorporate these alerts into new U21 rules. Alerts can be resolved both in the Unit21 or the Chainalysis system (they are linked together).

Prerequisite: A Chainalysis Account and Key

To use this feature, your organization needs to have a Chainalysis account. Then:

  1. Log in to the dashboard.

  2. Go to Data Management, the Integrations tab, and finally, the External API Keys tab.

  3. Add the Chainalysis key CHAINALYSIS_API_TOKEN:

  1. Add the Chainalysis URL CHAINALYSIS_API_URL.
  1. Contact your Unit21 representative to let them know you are ready for the Chainalysis integration. You will need to share your Chainalysis credentials with Unit21

The Unit21 developer team will then configure your account to receive alerts from Chainalysis. Every few hours, we will call the Chainalysis API on your behalf and load Chainalysis alerts into Unit21 as Alert.Type='CHAINALYSIS' (don't forget, other alert types are always KYC or TM).

Alerts will appear in Unit21 system with source = EXTERNAL. Information is polled from Chainalysis every hour.

They will contain the following information:

Unit21 Alert details:Chainalysis Alert details:
Rule triggeredAlert ID
Flagged atAsset
Total flagged USDLevel
StatusUser ID
Transaction hashCreated at
Event time
Alert status
Exposure type
Rule threshold min
Rule threshold max
Transaction hash
Transaction index
Transfer reference
Transfer output address (for peer-to-peer transactions)
  1. Send in the Chainalysis transaction hash when using the /events API:

transaction_data['transaction_hash'] = "af830da0919f9d3ebbc4130404677a85c9db11e9046b69e2ed90db86f6e0529e"

When sending transactional data using our events API, you must send the transaction hash via the transaction_hash field.

     "general_data": {
          "event_type": "transaction",
          "event_id": "txn-14565-dgfhop",
          "event_time": 1623365011
     "transaction_data": {
          "amount": 121,
          "transaction_hash": "af830da0919f9d3ebbc4130404677a85c9db11e9046b69e2ed90db86f6e0529e"
     "options": {
          "monitor": true,
          "upsert_on_conflict": true


Entity IDs should be synced between Unit21 and Chainalysis!

To prevent synching problems between the two platforms, please ensure that the same IDs are used to define entities (i.e. the user or account involved in the transaction).

Chainalysis alerts

When Chainalysis and Unit21 are synched, you will receive alerts:

You can use the link in the alert to view the alert in Chainalysis while on the alert detail page:

If you resolve the alert on Chainalysis, it will appear on Unit21:

and vice versa:

The link between the alert in Unit21 and Chanalysis is bidirectional.

Chainalysis alert dispositions

If an alert is disposed with a type that matches Chainalysis statuses, workflow buttons will work as expected:

  • Unreviewed
  • In Review
  • Flagged
  • No Review
  • Dismissed

Otherwise, if the disposition does not match a Chainalysis status, the following logic is used:

if the alert status is OPEN, the Chainalysis status to Unreviewed
if the alert status is CLOSED, the Chainalysis status to Dismissed