Default Table Settings

In many pages on the Unit21 Dashboard, you will see tables that displays the data your organization sent to Unit21.

These tables includes:

  • Pages for Entities, Instruments, Transaction Events, Action Events, Cases and Rules.
  • Places where items are displayed as tables including the Data Explorer pages and nested tables in Detail pages (such as the Associated Transaction Events in an Entity details page).

The data you see in the table is configurable through the Default Table Settings page.

You can find these settings in Data Management > Default Table Settings:

An administrator (with the proper permissions) can set the table view for all respective tables throughout the application (for all agents / users).

However, an individual agent can override this table by setting their view on specific tables:

The agent can also reset their view back to the organization configured one by clicking the Reset To Defaults button.

The Default Table Settings can also be configured for custom data.

In the example below, application_version can be set to be viewed in all Action Event tables, despite being in nested in custom data.