How to create a queue based Deadline

The Queue Deadline feature allows users to impose a deadline on a queue-basis.

While this doesn’t remove dashboard level deadlines, rather it forms a hierarchy where queue deadlines hold precedence over other deadlines. Manually set due dates take the highest precedence.


Queue Creation

When a queue is created there is an additional field in the form:Queue deadline duration


Queue Modification

Agents with the right permissions can modify or remove the queue deadline from the queue.

When changing a queue deadline value:

  • Existing deadlines are preserved on existing objects in that queue.

When removing the queue deadline from a queue:

  • Existing deadlines are preserved on existing objects in that queue.

When moving an alert, case or report from Queue A to Queue B:

  • If Queue B has a deadline, it is applied to the object.
  • If Queue B does NOT have a deadline then the global deadline is applied if one exists.