Upload a Data File

How to upload a datafile directly from the UI:

  1. From the dashboard, go to Data Explorer:
  1. Head over to the Upload File tab:
  1. On your computer, open the file's folder and drag the desired file into the drag n' drop box.
  "user_data": {
    "first_name": "Tyler",
    "last_name": "Lee",
    "gender": "male",
    "year_of_birth": 1981,
    "month_of_birth": 4,
    "day_of_birth": 21
  "general_data": {
    "entity_id": "Tyler01",
    "entity_type": "user"
  1. Check that the file is in the datafile table. When it's ready for processing, the Status says Awaiting Trigger:
  1. Click the Process button. While it's processing, the Status says processing. The larger the file is, the longer the processing time will be.
  1. After processing is finished, there are two possible statuses:
  • Process Success: the file has been processed, and the data is now in the Unit21 system.
  • Validation Failed: the data is not in JSON format or was missing required entries.
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Error recovery: how can I fix a Validation Failed status?

When a datafile receives a Validation Failed status, there are a few possible reasons:

  • Unit21 has not finished processing the file. If the file is large, you may need to wait.
  • If the file is too large, it must be split up into multiple files.
  • The file is not in the proper format, run your file through a JSON checker.
  • The file is missing a required field, for example, the entity_type is missing.

Typically, if the validation fails, you will receive an error: Validation Failed
(EtlError('Invalid input: 1j64.22.53.244 does not appear to be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address'))