Dynamic Models


What are Dynamic Models?

You can create rules using our dynamic models which is like creating a formula in Excel.

Dynamic models let you create formula (i.e alert generating logic) using Variables and Trigger Conditions.

For example:

  1. Create a variable that sums the transactions over the last 30 days.
  2. Create a variable that sums the transactions over the last 90 days.
  3. Create a trigger condition that generates an alert if the sum of transactions over the last 30 days is greater than the sum of transactions over the last 90 days.
  4. Now an alert will be generated for an entity when the trigger condition is true.


Variables are derived from entities, transactions, or actions. They represent fields on the entity, transaction, or action or act as an aggregate calculation on a particular entity field.

For example: create a Variable called Transaction_Count which will count the number of transactions for a given entity.

An advanced example: create a Variable called SenderEntity_Amount_BadTxnStatus_Past90Days which will count the number of transactions for a sender over the last 90 days with the status RETURNED, FAILED, DISPUTED or CANCELED.


While there are standard Aggregate Fields (that make up a Variable) like the transaction amount that will always be available to choose from (as they are required by Unit21), we've also made any custom data your org has ever sent into the Unit21 system available as well.

In this case we can see transaction amount as well as custom data AWS can be chosen as part of the Variable:


Trigger Conditions

To create Formula, you then create Trigger Conditions for the Variables. A Trigger Condition is a logical statement that will generate an alert when true.

For example: If Transaction_Count over a period of 6 months is > 10,000,000; then create an alert.

An advanced example: If Amount_Entity_Spent_Over_Last_Month > $3000 and the Transaction_Count of type Debit that have occurred in the last 3 days" > 3; then create an alert.