How to create Form Templates

Use templates to prefill routine information, like institution names. You can also use tags to create templates for entire narrative sections.

Each report has seven forms, some of which can be templated (automatically filed out):

Filing InstitutionYES
Financial InstitutionYES
Suspicious ActivityNO

To template a SAR form, follow these steps:

  1. Click the gear button on the Report Filings page
  1. Choose the form to template from one of the following:
  • Filing Institution,
  • Financial Institution,
  • Narrative
  1. Fill in the fields with the information you want to repeat for each SAR (you may want to add information that is usually entered, as you can always remove fields when you file the SAR).
  • If you need to add multiple forms (e.g. multiple branches), press the + icon. This adds a blank form to the bottom of the page.

  1. When you've filled in the fields you want, click Save. The next time you make a SAR, the relevant fields will already be filled.



Templates only work for newly-created SAR. So, you cannot make a template, then
go back and apply the template's information to a SAR that's already in process.

Use tags to manage template narratives

If you want to template a narrative, you must do so based on a tag.

When you convert a case into a FinCEN SAR, whatever tag the case had can come with a narrative that automatically fills the narrative form. To configure this, follow these steps:

  1. Create a tag. For example, suspected: layering.
  2. Click the gear button on the Report Filings page and select Step 5: Narrative.
  3. Fill in a narrative form that describes the general circumstances that give rise to the situation of the tag suspected: layering.
  4. Click Save.

After that, any time you create a SAR from a case with this tag, the SAR's Narrative field will come pre-populated with that information.

Only one narrative can be created per tag.



If a case has multiple narratives, only the narrative for the first tag listed will prepopulate on the case's SAR form.