

Instruments represent any physical, digital, or logical intermediary between an entity and a transaction event such as:

  • a Credit Card
  • a Bank Account #
  • a Crypto Wallet
  • a Gift Card

When transactions occur between entities, an instrument can be added.

Transactions can also occur between instruments (and involve no entities at all):

  • Sarah Smith sent Paul Smith 5 ETH using a Wallet
  • $25,000 USD wired from Bank Routing # 072403473 to Bank Routing # 041215016
  • Credit Card A received $567 from Credit Card B
  • User jarmin04 used store credit to make a $380 purchase online


Note that instrument searches will take at least an hour after ingestion before they are searchable!

Suspicious transactions create alerts wherein instruments can be investigated.


Instruments should represent an item with a unique identifier and not a type (i.e. cash, ach, wire--which are better represented via event subtype).


To access information about an entity, go to the Data Explorer page and select the Instruments tab:


You must use the search filter to find the instrument of your choice.

To view additional information about the instrument, select it from the search results. A pane in the left side of the window will open up where you can select Go to Detail Page->.


A new page will load with the instrument's summary information:

  • Basic information
  • Related entities
  • Transaction summary
  • Action items (workflows, comments and tags)

The page contains tabs with additional information

  • Rule Silencing - Rules where instrument should be ignored

Data Structure

These are some of the fields that describe an instrument in the Unit21 system:

instrument_idUnique identifier of the instrumentcc_24643
instrument_typeType of instrumentcredit card
sourceInternal if your system owns and administers this instrument, otherwise Externalinternal
statusStatus of the instrument in your systemstolen
location dataLast known location of the instrument800 1st Street, NY, NY
ip_addressList of IP addresses this instrument was seen using52.15.247.208
fingerprintFingerprints associated with this instrument8hsdfknknj3k2kj2jk23kj2