Recommended Brokerage Rules

Unit21 recommends creating the following rules:

1. Layering

Users that withdrawal greater than 80% of deposits within 1 week.
Window = 1 day.

2174 2174

2. Simple Count

Over 15 Deposits/Withdraws Monthly.
Window = 5 days.

2176 2522

3. Simple Count

Generates alerts for entities triggering an abnormally large count of unique transactions.
Window = 1 month.


4. Simple Count

High Value Activity over $200K.
Window = 2 weeks.

2182 2522

5. Simple Statistics

Payments to European contractors of at least $100,000 per month.
Window = 3 days.

2180 2524

6. Simple Statistics

Cash deposits in a 3 day period totaling at least $10,000.
Window = 3 hours.

2182 2526

7. Simple Statistics

Generates alerts for entities triggering an abnormally large count of unique transactions.
Window = First monday of the month.