Single Sign-On (SSO)


Enterprise Connection is available.

Contact [email protected] if you are interested!

Unit21 supports the following SAML 2.0 based SSO providers:

  • Active Directory / LDAP
  • ADFS
  • Google Workspace
  • Microsoft Azure
  • PingFederate
  • SAMLP Identity Provider (Okta)
  • Open ID Connect

Implementation Workflow

Flow for setting up an SSO connection with Unit21:

  1. Speak to your CSM to discuss necessary requirements (noted below).
  2. On the call, we will discuss how you will use the connection.
  3. A Unit21 engineer will set up the connection in our service provider (Auth0) and the CSM will get back to you.
  4. You can test the connection and see that it is working.


Unit21 recommends setting up connections in Sandbox first

What you need to send us for SAMLP

  • The ACS Sign In URL
  • The X.509 Certificate