Validating A Model

Once you are ready to validate your model, it's as simple as clicking the 'Validate' button and letting your model run.


Pro Tip: You can validate multiple models side by side to compare the results before activating your desired model.

After the 'Validate' button has been clicked, the status of the model will change from 'Draft' to 'Validating'. The UI will change on the right indicating the process has started. Within a few minutes, the model should start showing results. At this stage, you can also cancel the validation if it clicked on by mistake or needs to be cancelled for another by clicking 'Cancel Validation'.

Once a model has started validating, you will see a 'Risk Distribution' graph, showing the distribution of your entities whose scores have been generated for this model. There will be a UI indication of how many entities have been processed.

When a model has finished validating (you will see the % of entities reach 100%), you have the ability to change the risk score distribution. This means assigning what scores (0-100) equate to what Risk Segments (Low, Medium, High).


Updating risk score distributions is a critical step as it can only be done at time of validation (not after a model is deployed) and it can help control your volumes of High and Medium risk entities.

To update the risk score distribution, drag the bullets on the risk score line. Note, the Low, Medium, High inputs are also editable and show what scores represent what segment. To save the risk score distribution, click the 'Update Risk Ranges' button to save your distribution changes.