Entities API

Entities are typically businesses or users that have transactions on your platform.

The /entities endpoint can create and update entities.

When you create a transaction via API, it is typically between two entities. Either or both of those entities can be marked as 'external' (using a key which defaults to 'internal').

Internal versus external entities:

For an internal entity:

  • if an entity with that org/external ID pair exists in the system, the transaction is tied to that entity
  • if an entity with that org/external ID pair does not exist in the system, a placeholder entity is created and the transaction is tied to that entity. That placeholder can still e.g. trigger entity-based alerts etc.
    for an external entity:
  • if an entity with that org/external ID pair exists in the system, things are handled identically to internal entities
  • if not, no entity is created. The entity is treated as 'external' and alerts based on that entity will not show the entity.
  • If an entity with that org/external id is LATER CREATED, then all of the transactions that involved that external id/org pair as an external entity will be immediately associated with the new entity, potentially triggering multiple entity-based alerts based on old transactions.