List exports

Returns paginated list exports. It will only show the exports initiated by the requester (The requester is the creator of the API key)

This endpoint omits any exports from the "System" source (generated directly from the Dashboard instead of the API).

Because the response is paginated, the request body has a limit and offset field. At least one must be filled.

  • limit indicates how many objects the request returns (the page maximum is 50)
  • offset indicates the offset for pagination. An offset value of 1 starts with the environment's first record. The offset is relative to the number of pages (not the total count of objects).

The total_count field contains the total number of exports where the response_count field contains the number of exports included in the response.

The statuses for exports address:

READY_FOR_DOWNLOADFile is ready for download
GENERATINGFile is generating
FAILEDFile export failed
REQUESTEDFile exort has been requested
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!